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Friday, October 14, 2016

Killefit Consult - Solomon Islands - WASH Expert CAT I




talent sourcing for sustainable development



We are looking for the following Expert for  Solomon Islands, WASH expert CAT I to provide services to the EU funded project "  ST Expert to provide support in preparing the Identification and

Formulation of the EU 11th EDF WASH Support to Solomon Islands"





Solomon Islands






KE1 – WASH expert, Cat 1- APPLY


14/11/2016 - 14/05/2017


implementation period will be 6 months from the starting date



60 wd


Fluent in spoken and written English, with good reporting, interpersonal and communication skills


18/10/2016/23:59:00 Recruitment starts immediately upon publication of this vacancy announcement; posts may be filled already before the indicated application deadline. Pre selected experts will be asked to fill in a grid.





           Only short listed consultants will receive the ToR and will be replied to.

           Please apply only if you fulfill all requirements for the vacant position.

           Eventually, we will ask you to fill in and return to us a GRID.

           All experts must have at least regional experience

           CV templates download at





Please apply in English language


How to Apply:


Only short listed consultants will be replied to. 


If you wish to submit your candidature, please send us: 


1 - Your up dated and position-adjusted CV in EU AID format, in the language of vacancy and as word.doc detailing qualifications, experience in similar assignments. CVs in other than EU format will not be evaluated.

2 - The country, no of position/field (s) you will apply for in the subject line of message

3 - Your expected daily fee. In addition you would receive the official per diem and airfare in economy class

4 - Your communication details (Mobil, phone, etc.) in case we need to contact you during the tender process

5 - Include the months, as well as years in past experience of your CV

6 - To enhance your CV, please bold the items most relevant to this project and its requirements.


Suggestions: Please make sure, that the experience requested is also shown "Description" section 14 of your CV. As the selections are very strict and paper based, we request you to prepare your CV in the right format and detail all the relevant experience under the Professional experience table as much as possible. There is no problem if your CV is long, the most important is to prepare so that it describes clearly your experiences relevant to the mission. (Your CV has to sell you!) 


Restrictions: In case consultants are short listed, they must be able to provide documentary evidence for educational and professional items in their CVs (copies of diplomas, copies of employers' reference letters, etc.). Documents those are not available in English have to be accompanied by a faithful translation. This is mandatory requirement for Europe Aid tenders.








Profile: Expert I (Lot 6 – Solomon Islands)

Category of expert I

Duration 60.00 working days



Expert I (Lot 6 – Solomon Islands)


Ø Number of requested experts per category and number of man-days per expert or per category


This contract will comprise of one category 1 expert. The total input requested is 60 working days (identification and formulation).


- Category and duration of equivalent experience

· Category 1 – Senior Expert with 12 years of experience in Water supply and Sanitation preferably in urban and/or peri-urban settings.


- Education

University degree in civil or water engineering, Water supply and Sanitation Management or equivalent.


- Experience

General Professional experience required:

o Minimum of 12 years working experience in Water and Sanitation management and planning at national level or in Water Systems for more than 200,000 users.

o Seven years working experience in WASH in developing countries or Pacific Islands States;

o At least 5 years working experience in EU funded projects with direct and indirect management, implementing EU budget support (general or sector reform contract) and is familiar with the EU budget support procedures and guidelines;

o Proven experience in WASH or urban development projects and programs implemented with International Financial Institutions.


Specific professional experience:

o Proficient knowledge of standard computer software (MS word, Excel and project management software);

o Proven working experience in facilitating Public-Private Partnership Programmes or similar programmes;

o Proven experience in capacity building activities for government and NGOs/CSOs in the WASH sector (especially in engineering) and/or in strategic and policy support.


- Language skills

Fluent in spoken and written English, with good reporting, interpersonal and communication skills.


EC rules applicable to any EC assignment

• Working days are from Monday to Friday, if not indicated otherwise in the ToR

• Per diem covers all expenses of the expert (local transport, hotel, meals, telecom, etc.) and it is only paid if the expert stay overnight.

• International travel: the EC only reimburse economy class flight tickets


Requested services


A short term expert is required to assist the SIG and EU to achieve the above specific objective.


The expert will carry out the following activities:


Mission 1:

1. Prepare a mission work plan within 3 working days since the beginning of the work on the field, where each stakeholder is identified and for each the consultation dates and outcomes are clearly defined.

2. Prepare an inception report based on the existing Identification Fiche and other relevant documents, including SIG and EU policies, strategies and plans.

3. Prepare focussed consultations framework to be agreed by NAO/MDPAC and EU Delegation and undertake the consultations with relevant stakeholders including SW, MDPAC, Ministry of Mines, Energy and Rural Electrification (MMERE), Ministry of Provincial Government and Institutional Strengthening (MPGSI), Ministry of Health and Medical Services (MHMS), Ministry of Infrastructure Development (MID), Ministry of Finance and Treasury (MoFT), Provincial Governments, ADB and relevant development partners (DFAT, UNICEF, JICA). There is already an existing Identification Fiche but this is still open for discussion through the consultation process.

4. Analyse options for aid modalities, e.g. Sector Reform Contract, project approach or other financing mechanisms like blending.

5. Prepare a mid-term report with main finding and conducting a workshop with stakeholders.

6. Conduct a debriefing session internally with an Aide memoire.

7. Draft the identification part of the Action Document and present the findings in a workshop for stakeholders.

8. Incorporate relevant comments from the stakeholders and finalize the identification part of the Action Document.


Mission 2:

1. Prepare a mission work plan within 3 working days since the beginning of the work on the field, where each stakeholder is identified and for each the consultation dates and outcomes are clearly defined.

2. In consultation with stakeholders and based on the identification part of the Action Document, including comments from the Quality Support Group 1, completion of the formulation part of the Action Document.

3. Prepare a mid-term report with main finding and conducting a workshop with stakeholders.

4. Conduct a debriefing session internally with an Aide memoire.

5. Draft the formulation part of the Action Document and present the findings in a workshop for stakeholders.

6. Incorporate relevant comments from the stakeholders and finalize the formulation part of the

Action Document


Required outputs


Mission 1:

a) A clear work plan agreed and endorsed by the SIG within 3 working days since the beginning of the work on the field. The work plan shall be approved by the EU Delegation.

b) Inception report: desk study and appreciation of the Action Document conducted

c) Mid-term report with main findings. To be presented to NAO and EU Delegation.

d) Debriefing on the mission with an Aide Memoire

e) Draft mission report and draft Action Document (identification) including all relevant supporting documents.

f) Final mission report and Action Document (identification) including all relevant supporting documents.


Mission 2:

a) A clear work plan agreed and endorsed by the SIG within 3 working days since the beginning of the work on the field. The work plan shall be approved by the EU Delegation.

b) Mid-term report with main findings. To be presented to SIG and EU Delegation.

c) Debriefing on the mission with an Aide Memoire

d) Draft mission report and draft Action Document (formulation) including all relevant supporting documents.

e) Final mission report and Action Document (formulation) including all relevant supporting documents.



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